Getting There is Half the Fun (The Angry GM).
Bat in the Attic - A decade of articles about sandbox.The Gygax 75 Challenge | Background and challenges list - Article about how to get your own D&D campaign world started.How to make a Fantasy Sandbox | PDF - Detailed guide of 28 posts about creating a fantasy sandbox.Welsh Piper’s Low-fantasy Populations - Realistic populations in low-fantasy settings.Welsh Piper’s hexcrawl guide Part 1 | Part 2 - Hex-based Campaign Design.Hexcrawl Resources I Have Known And Loved, Reddit post - Another list of resources on Reddit OSR Community.Īrticles and documents about hexcrawl generation and game rules.Hexcrawl Resources, (ars phantasia) - List of resources helpful when thinking about how to design a hexcrawl.Hexcrawl, sandbox & randomness - Exhaustive list of articles and blogs about hexcrawl, sandbox and randomness.Other curated resources lists related to hexcrawls. Please read the Contributing Guidelines before contributing.